27 January 2009

Obama orders Guantánamo closure

Two months ago, Obama promised he'd close Guantánamo prison. He has now signed an order that this should happen within a year from now. This shameful prison, established and maintained against all international laws and outcries, is going away. Now, here is a politician who keeps his promises.

On a lighter side, Obama knows how to speak English. He *can* pronounce the word "nuclear" as ˈnü-klē-ər. (Won't we miss Bush and his -isms?) Listen to it here, along with a promise to the muslim world that they will find an extended hand from the US if they unclench their fist.


  1. Well, indeed, it seems, it appears to be the case. So far, so good. This was NOT the case with his predecessor, GW Bush. I knew, several years before he became president that he was dangerous and an idiot. Unfortunately, I lived in Austin Texas when Bush was government, so I had first-hand experience of what it means to have a christian-fundamentalist, blood-thirsty head of state. At least Obama has not had this kind of abominable history.
