26 March 2011

Greek signs

Time for a break: here is a small collection of funny signs from Greece. I have collected them from the Internet.

More signs here.


  1. I don't really understand what's funny with the dog sign. It gives really good advice...

  2. It's the owner's machismo thing that's funny. Also, if it's true what the sign says, by the time you've finished reading their instructions you'll be dog meat. Finally, it's `funny' that some people think it's their right to impose the(ir) law on their own.

  3. Thanks for the answer. I saw a completely different thing in the photo. I saw a doorway to a private property, with a sign that informs people that there is a dog inside and they should not try to enter uninvited (entering uninvited into a fenced private property is at least bad manners...). I also saw some very considerate owners who don't want to have any accidents with people who are too curious to see what's inside and give advice as to how to handle the dog. And finally, the dog is inside and the instructions are facing outside, so you won't be dog meat just by reading them. Even if you enter the property, you have a really good chance to exit in one piece if you do as the sign told you.
